Video Package Specials
ONLY $99
per HOLIDAY content VIDEO

Animate your logo

A professionally animated logo adds credibility and helps build brand awareness. It's the heart of the brand identity. Once animated, that heart comes to life. It represents the personality of the company, the product, services, and plays a significant role in the branding strategy.
An animated company logo can be used to brand a website, social media page, and incorporated within all digital video content.
We love bringing our customer's logos to life.
Send us your .png file of your company's logo,
and we'll do the rest.
Short :15 sec. to :30 sec. Customized Ads
When you BUY 5
You'll ONLY Pay $99.00 each
Pre-Produced affordably priced digital video content ads include:
Company Logo
Call to Action
Phone Number
At a price like this, small businesses can afford to look professional,
and use digital video content to market their business to the community.

Pre-Produced Video Examples

There’s never been a better time to advertise to a captive audience. Our video production company 10ten studios, in Loveland Colorado, and Pontiac Michigan is offering a variety of video packages that are not only highly effective, but for a limited time, they are being offered at very affordable rates to all small businesses within our surrounding communities.
As each stage of the plan to lift lockdown restrictions unfolds, it's vital for businesses to communicate with customers. Today, as most company's are having their employees work from home on their computers, those working from home have become a captive audience as they continue day to day to scroll social media feeds, news feeds, searching the web from their home computers and mobile devices for latest updates. Comcast reports that viewership is at an all time high. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity and use one of our special video packages to let customers know you are back, open, ready for business, that you have a safety plan, new business hours, new specials, sales, and incentives, and that you are ready to see your business, community, family and the economy thrive once again.
FYI: Viewership (stats according to Comcast / effectv Spring 2021
CABLE NEWS viewership is up 93%
TV VIEWERSHIP as a whole is up 8%
DAYTIME TV viewership is up 19%
CABLE TV viewership makes up 62% of all TV Viewership
VOD (Video On Demand) is up 43%